Thursday, November 27, 2008

Things that would be useful/nice to have

So yeah i figured id post things that might be of use if i were to have them here in Senegal that i cant get here.

-Glue-less patches for my bike
-Panniers for my bike
-light for my bike
-I love cliff bars
-Ranch dressing and barbecue sauce, between warthog sandwich's and the bean sandwich's i eat pretty much every day, they make nice condiments
-tuna as i really don't eat meat here, the warthog sandwich is a special occasion, the beans and peanuts i eat constitute my protein intake
-battery powered speakers for an ipod
-seeds, send me and ill plant them
-Ok basically think about what you like about american life and if you can send that, ill prob enjoy it so yeah

ill post a post thanksgiving blog later this week so yeah you'll see what a african thanksgiving is like. It so far has involved slaughtering a turkey a duck and a couple chickens, if you've never plucked a bird before its a interesting experience. Im trying to keep from getting too sick as ive kinda relapsed to my little flu-ie symptoms i had last week. Im feeling ok today i had a nice sleep in so i think that helped out. But i think that thanksgiving and a really nice dinner will help out. I guess the Kédougou region is known throughout the country for having really good cooks, couldn't be in a better place. Ill update in a few days.

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